Quotes, AUDIndexNr=75IndexNr=458. Time, 6.4.2021 15:07. Last, 15,82. Change %, 1,88. Change, 0,29. Bid / Ask, 15,82 / 15,82. Open, 15,67. High / Low, 15 


Alm. Brand ligger i en fallande trendkanal på medeThis is the body text of the blog post to give visitors an idea of what the post is about beyond just the title.

Brand af 1792 fmba, is a limited liability association, holds a 56,8 % share of the shares in the Group. All non-life insurance customers of the Alm. All non-life insurance customers of the Alm. Brand Group are born members of the association. Alm. Brand – Report on trading in Alm. Brand A/S shares by executives and their related parties. Pursuant to article 19 of the EU Regulation 596/2014 and according to a power of attorney given 31 March 2021 Announcement no. 5/2021 Alm. Brand A/S – Annual General Meeting on 26 April 2021 With reference to the information obligations for issuers of listed securities on Nasdaq Copenhagen Alm. Brand A/S (Almindelig Brand) is an investment holding company. The Company, through subsidiaries, provides a variety of services including private and commercial insurance products, life About Alm. Brand A/S. ALM. Brand A/S is a Denmark-based holding company engaged in the provision of insurance and financial services.

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Det sker primært gennem offentliggørelse af selskabsmeddeleler samt hel- og delårsrapporter. Meddelelserne offentliggøres samtidigt på dansk og engelsk. Aktien er optaget i Nasdaq Copenhagen’s LargeCap -indeks. Netbank Privat (Alm. Brand Bank) Netbank Erhverv (Alm.

Log på Mit Kundeoverblik. - din personlige forsikringsmappe på almbrand.dk. NemID nøglekort. NemID nøglefil. Hjælp. ›. Bestil NemID. ›. Log på for første gang.

februar 2021. Vedhæftede udgør koncernens fulde årsrapport for 2020. Kontakt.

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Alm. Brand – Report on trading in Alm. Brand A/S shares by executives and their related parties. Pursuant to article 19 of the EU Regulation 596/2014 and according to a power of attorney given

The conference call and presentation will be available from Alm. Brand’s investor website, www.investorrelations.almbrand.dk. Conference call dial-in numbers for investors and analysts: Denmark: +45 7815 0109 Hjælp netbank@almbrand.dk 35 47 47 00 Hverdage 8.00–18.00. Fredage 8.00-16.00. Hjælp netbank@almbrand.dk 35 47 47 00 Hverdage 8.00–18.00. Fredage 8.00-16.00.

Brand Bank) Leasing Pro (Alm. Brand Bank) Leasing Pro+ Alm. Brand. 20,668 likes · 54 talking about this. Velkommen til Alm. Brands officielle Facebook-side, hvor vi svarer på dine spørgsmål alle hverdage ml. kl. 9.00 - 16.00. Håller du med om TrustScoren för Alm. Brand?
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All non-life insurance customers of the Alm. All non-life insurance customers of the Alm. Brand Group are born members of the association. Alm. Brand – Report on trading in Alm. Brand A/S shares by executives and their related parties. Pursuant to article 19 of the EU Regulation 596/2014 and according to a power of attorney given About Alm. Brand A/S. ALM. Brand A/S is a Denmark-based holding company engaged in the provision of insurance and financial services. The Company’s activities are divided into three business Alm. Brand publishes company announcements about significant events to the market. If you subscribe to company announcements, you will receive an e-mail every time we release a company announcement.

If you subscribe to company announcements, you will receive an e-mail every time we release a company announcement. Subscribe to company announcements. Here you can search for previous company announcements from Alm. Brand. Select category and period.
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Alm. Brand af 1792 fmba Anmeld skade Åben søgning

december 2019 til den 13. december 2019 købt egne aktier for samlet 3,2 mio.kr. Dette er sket som led i det aktietilbagekøbsprogram, der blev annonceret den 5.

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31. oktober 2019 Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 68/2019 Alm. Brand A/S – Ændring i ledelsen Med henvisning til selskabsmeddelelse 67/2019 om fratræden af adm. direktør Søren Boe Mortensen og konstitution af koncernøkonomidirektør Rasmus Werner Nielsen som adm. direktør har direktionen d.d. konstitueret selskabets Group Chief Risk Officer Andreas Ruben Madsen i stillingen som

1. 2.

2 Mkt Cap indicates the market value of the selected share series admitted to trading on Nasdaq Nordic. Note that the company may have other share series admitted to trading and that it may have unlisted shares. For complete information, please visit the company’s website.

35 47 Alm. Brand A/S 30. april 2018 Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 27/2018 Alm. Brand – Opstart af aktietilbagekøbsprogram på op til 200 mio.kr. Som udmeldt den 28. februar 2018 i Alm. Brands årsrapport for 2017, iværksætter selskabet et aktietilbagekøbsprogram på op til 200 mio.kr., der ved den nuværende kurs svarer til ca. 3,0 millioner stk. aktier.

Your experience can help others make better choices. Alm Brand er et mellemstort forsikringsselskab i Danmark. Gennem mere end 200 år har Alm. Brand hjulpet kunder med at afdække deres forsikringsbehov, forebygge skader og været der, når en skade rammer. Alm Brand tilbyder i dag de fleste forsikringer på markedet, Husk login. Version: 5.7.3-hotfix-245 Alm. Brand A/S Med henvisning til oplysningsforpligtelserne for udstedere af børsnoterede værdipapirer fremsendes vedlagt indkaldelse samt dagsorden og de fuldstændige forslag til den ordinære generalforsamling i Alm. Brand A/S den 26. april 2017. Kontakt Eventuelle henvendelser vedrørende denne fondsbørsmeddelelse bedes rettet til adm.